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Fall 2017
Iconography Design
Print Production
Hand Lettering
University of Florida President, Dr. Kent Fuchs, asked university students "what makes UF unique?". I worked with a team of student designers in print production to design a three-panel card that used University-inspired iconography, vectored hand calligraphy, and a non-denominational color palette to showcase “what makes UF unique.” To create a feeling of elegance, we experimented printing with die cuts and gold foil. After the initial prototype was made and our card was presented to the President and First Lady, and was chosen to be mass produced. I worked closely with a printing company in order to use a laser cutter and metallic ink in the final product, all while meeting the budget and time constraints of the President’s office. The final card was then mailed to 500 university personnel and emailed to over 50,000 university faculty, staff, and students.

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